Saturday, May 9, 2009

Nikon D80 on the fritz

My lovely companion the hearty and loyal Nikon D80 may have taken it's last picture. I pulled it out of the camera bag today to snap some shots on the refuge only to find that the shutter was releasing but I don't believe the mirror is lowering. I am hoping it can get repaired, but I am not sure when I am going to get time to get it sent in, busy fire year is just picking up.

So with this notice, I sadly inform you that it might be some time before I post new photos. I hope the absence isn't too long, I miss my camera already.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Fog on the road

This morning Alligator Alley and State Road 29 were closed down to heavy fog, the fog was like a wall, at times there was as little as five to ten feet of visibility.

Heli Work

These photos are from the Deep fire, the helicopter is used to cool down an area of heat alongside State Road 29.