Thursday, September 25, 2008

Boise walk-a-bout

Took a stroll down the river to downtown last night, here are a few photos from the trip.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Trip down the river.

I took a walk this morning, I went down river. I met a nice woman who is a teacher, and I took a few photos. It's always great to be able to walk down a river in the middle of the city, thanks Boise.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Moon over the cross

I am in Boise, ID for the next two weeks, I am sure there will be more photos later.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Bikes and Kegs

I picked up a hell of a deal on a kegorator yesterday, and now I have Sierra Nevada Pale Ale flowing! Also, we worked on Tristan's bike for awhile and then took it for a spin, love that bike!


Condensation on the tap, all we have is a Fosters handle right now, if you are looking for a gift for me, I will except all cool tap handles or good stickers for the beer fridge.

Brian and Moe take their turns.

Also the waves were good enough to go surfing on Labor Day so I spent some time at Wiggins, no photos... just fun.